Saturday, August 23, 2008

Off–Page Optimization

Search Engine Optimization solutions:

Off–Page Optimization: -
Off–Page Optimization include all kinds of ranking factor which must be available in your webpage. Following factor must be including in the webpage if you want to batter search engine ranking.

  • Creation of sitemap - both details and xml sitemap to be submitted in search engines
  • Reciprocal link building – 10 links per month (if you want)
  • Three way link
  • Get link from .edu website
  • Add articles in your site – we will write FOUR ARTICLES FREE OF COST per month
  • Press release submission - 5 news per month (you should provide news)
  • Forum registration and get back link for your site
  • Submission of your site in Bookmark Sites
  • Create blog for your site in free blog sites for get back link FREE OF COST
  • Create RSS feed for your site in FREE OF COST
  • Creation of Google analytic account so that you can see traffic details
  • Keyword ranking report once in a month/fortnight
  • And some new techniques
  • We assure you your 80% keywords will be ranked top position and unique traffic will increase more than 10 times

On-Page Optimization

Search Engine Optimization solutions:

On-Page Optimization: -
On-Page Optimization includes those who make your webpage search engine friendly. This includes

  • A detailed keyword research (if necessary)
  • Robots text file must be made
  • Page name must contain keyword. If necessary, a folder must be created.
  • If necessary, various canonical issues must be solved.
  • Create JavaScript external file (if necessary)
  • Header text with h1 tag.
  • Write Meta title, Meta description and keywords.
  • Write header text and footer text with right keywords.
  • Optimize alt tag with right keywords.
  • Optimize the body content through appropriate use of keywords in the right place.
  • Modify the footer links
  • If necessary, make a breadcrumb
  • Make an error page
  • Make a sitemap of the website. A detailed and XML sitemap must be submitted in search engines

How many type of SEO

How many type of search engine optimization?
In web marketing basically two types of SEO is available
Off-Page Optimization and On-Page Optimization

Off–Page Optimization: - Off–Page Optimization include all kinds of ranking factor which must be available in your webpage. Following factor must be including in the webpage if you want to batter search engine ranking.

On-Page Optimization: - On-Page Optimization includes those who make your webpage search engine friendly. This includes

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Link Exchange

Link exchange is an extremely important part of search engine optimization, which involves exchange hyperlinks with websites that offer similar or related products services or information. Link exchange helps to increase the page rank of website

Need of link Exchange:

In Google search engine the top position in passed on back links of our website. To increase back links for our website we are doing several off-page optimization like

Article& Press releases


Blog posting


Directory submission


Social networking & book marking


Easy Free Links


Link exchange

From the above link exchange takes a major part to increase a back links than other

Types of Link Exchange:

There are tree types of Link Exchange:

1.One-way linking: In this type of link building one site linked on other site because of its content quality and usability and not for any business purpose.

Like Site A have its link on Site B but site B has not link on Site B

Site A -> Site B

2.Reciprocal linking: In reciprocal linking two sites link to each other to benefit each other in terms of link popularity.
Like Site A has link on Site B and site B has also a link to site A in return.

Site A <-> Site B
It is also known as two-way link exchange.

3.Three-way linking: In this type of linking a webmaster having two different sites asks a link for one of his site to other webmaster and in return he link other webmaster's site on his another site.

Site A <-> Site B <-> site C

Important of Link Building

Important of link building:

SEO also known as search engine optimization has gained a lot of importance and recognition in the recent times. Out of all the factors in SEO, Link Building is the most important factor. Every Webmaster wants to build quality links for his respective website. But he does not really know the method to be opted for building these links. To address this problem this blog Link building ideas has been launched for bringing you the latest information and techniques for building links. On reading this blog you will get a lot of ideas and learn various techniques using which you can build quality links for your website.

Generally links are of various types. Earlier there was the trend of Reciprocal Links. Now there is a trend of building one-way links. The most important search engine, ‘Goggle’ gives a lot of importance to one-way links. There are various ways to obtain these kinds of links. The most commonly used techniques are link bait, 3 way linking, press release, article submissions, directory submissions etc. The suitability of above link building techniques will depend on the theme and audience of your website. So you should definitely read this useful blog about link building ideas and can start building Quality links now! You don’t need to pay huge amount of money anymore. Just educate yourself and get started!